You have certainly out done yourself this you not only gave a crappy line up for the 2008 NCAA bowl series. But you made it impossible for there to be an controversy for who the number one team in the country is after the Florida vs Oklahoma game. Your bowl schedule was released almost verbatim on the Monday before Alabama and Florida even played their game on CBS. This is also before Oklahoma played Missouri in the Big 12 Championship game. So here are some suggestions for better games at the top of the heap:
- Fiesta Bowl: Texas vs USC "Awesome Game" This is what the post season is about
- Sugar Bowl: Alabama vs Texas Tech "Shoot Out" Instant Classic
- Rose Bowl: BC vs Penn State "Who Cares" Paterno wont remember it anyway
- Orange Bowl: Ohio State vs Cincinnati "The Battle of Ohio"
This way you get at least 3 great games out of these 4 as opposed to 4 games that aren't that interesting. This is my 2 cents thats all. But by doing it the way they did there can be no controversy with the outcomes because they will be blowouts. This way the have fought off the call for the playoff system at least until next year oddly enough they use the same agruement that used in basketball when they expanded the field from 16 to 32
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