Citi Field is it the New Stadium for the Mets or is a lasting tribute to the American Taxpayer via the Tarp fund. Many of the board of directors for CITI financial were also very involved in the Obama campaign is this how he pays them back by giving CITI money back in the form of Tarp money and accepting a 25 million dollar contribution for his own inauguration. Now after the election is over he has decided to tell Wall Street firms that they have to cap their pay. Did he stop to think that he didn't seem to mind when they were getting him elected? Has he thought about capping the pay of unions who build cars that people don't buy? Is this "Change We Can Believe in"? Or is it partisan politics that has caused the American public to doubt that our political system even works. As a taxpayer I myself wish they would rename the stadium and break the contract along with every other business who is trouble. They shouldn't be allowed to throw money away on stadium deals that return nothing for them. Does CITI believe that people are gonna walk in their new stadium and say "How have I lived so long without and account at a bank that should be bankrupt especially when they need bailout money but have this great name on their stadium".
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